Tuesday, August 28, 2012

After Math: Exhibition opening

Ma in Afrikaans means mother. It is also short for the word 'but'.
Farieda Nazier and Mocke J v Veuren
2000 x 600 x 200
Aluminium Sandblasted in hammer textured 

Exhibition Opening
Sculpture, video and performance works by Farieda Nazier in collaboration with
Mocke J V Veuren and Thami Hector Manekehla.
photographs by Ryan Uys, Jimmy Mololwane and Nanka Hawes

During the Speeches

Gordon Froud delivered a captivating opening address...Again a special thank you to Gordon!!

'Taxi Queen or R5 airtime' 

A taxi queen is the derogatory term used for a young girl or  woman from working class background who engages in sexual favours, often with much older men, for money or airtime.
Farieda Nazier
8 works x 40 x 40 x 15
Aluminium fold-formed and sandblasted 

Outside the Round Room

The exhibition evoked some interesting dialogue amongst the viewers. 

After Math installation at the Apartheid Museum Round Room

A snippet of the marvelous cohesive installation by
Curator: Farieda Nazier,
Assistant Curator: Sulaiman Nazier from Blackbird Projects ,
Artist, creative advisor and AV director: Mocke J van Veuren,
Assistant: Argyris Papageorgiou,
Sponsors: NEC, Peripheral Vision and Aluvault 

The exhibition closes on 16 September 2012 with a performance by Thami Hector Manekehla. 
The performance will commence at 15:00 in the Apartheid Museum Round Room. 
 Join us for a chat and some refreshments. 
No entrance fee.

Special thanks to funders and sponsors: 
NAC, UJ Faculty Research Committee, Ithuba Art Fund, Apartheid Museum, NEC, Peripheral Vision, Blackbird Projects, UJ Metal Casting Technology Station, Aluvault, Christa van Zyl

Friday, August 17, 2012

After Math- Walk About 18 August 2012 @ 11am

Thanks to everyone who joined us on the opening night of the After Math exhibition.  A special thanks again to Gordon Froud for the insightful and moving speech.

Join us tomorrow, 18 August 2012 at 11am , for the first of three engaging walkabouts' at the Apartheid Museum Round Room with Farieda, Mocke and guest Dr. Finzi Saidi.

All is welcome!
No entrance fee.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Building up...the After Math Exhibition!!!!

Time is-a-ticking and there is very little time before the opening night of the After Math exhibition. August 16th is only 8 days away!!

Currently, we are working feverishly on the building up and preparation of the After Math gallery space, the Round Room at the Apartheid Museum.

In the pics below are two members from the Blackbird Projects team; Sulaiman Nazier and Argyris Papageorgiou, constructing one of eight plinths. Besides for plinths, there are also a number of wall mounted installations, as well as projections of video works.  Blackbird Projects have generously sponsored their time and expertise in installing and co-curating the show. NEC and Peripheral Vision sponsored the use of their state-of-the-art projectors; and Aluvault the use of a nifty projector stand.  There links appear below.

Blackbird Projects:
Peripheral Vision:

Please remember to RSVP for one or all of the events listed below. Also note that guest contributors have confirmed their attendance at the Walkabouts.

Architect/Landscape designer and Vice Dean of the UJ Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Dr. Finzi Saidi will be joining the walkabout on 18 August; and prolific artist, educator, curator, gallerist Gordon Froud is joining the 8 September walkabout. http://www.delftschoolofdesign.eu/events/19/071206_african_perspectives.pdf


The details of the After Math events as follows:

16 August @ 6pm
Guest Speaker: Gordon Froud

18 August @ 11am
Farieda, Mocke and Dr. Finzi Saidi

25 August @ 11am
Public Dialogue
Title: Black and White Neuroses: South Africa today
Dr.Karen Haire and Farieda Nazier
Free Transport available: please contact the museum

08 September @ 11am
Farieda and Gordon Froud

16 September @ 3pm
Performance and closing
Thami Hector

Wall colour test at the Round Room.