I would like to acknowledge and thank all the funders and sponsors who made the
After Math Show a reality.
Thank you:
Ithuba Arts Fund http://www.artsithuba.co.za/
National Arts Council http://www.nac.org.za/
University of Johannesburg FADA Faculty Research Committee http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/Faculties/fada/Pages/default.aspx
Aluvault http://www.aluvault.co.za/
Apartheid Museum http://www.apartheidmuseum.org/content/home
Blackbird Projects http://www.blackbirdprojects.co.za/
Metal Casting Technology Station
Peripheral Vision http://www.peripheralvision.co.za/contact.htm
Christa Van Zyl the graphic designer
Also, a very special thanks to the collaborators Mocke J V Veuren and Thami Hector Manekehla, as well as my production assistant Argyris Papagiourgiou who have contributed in expertise, creative development, time, energy and passion for the cause!!
Do watch this space for updates on the next show: